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Tiny Doses, Big Benefits: Your Guide to Microdosing

When we talk about microdosing—whether that be with THC or any other substance, for that matter—it means taking a very low dose of it. So low, in fact, that you won’t experience intoxicating or overtly mind-altering effects. But as studies demonstrate, those potential microdosing benefits are real—and a lot of us are interested in reaping those benefits without a high.

Some trace the start of the microdosing movement to the dawn of medical cannabis; others to the psychedelics world, where studies suggest that taking minimal amounts of psychedelic compounds such as psilocybin can deliver many of their beneficial effects—such as a reduction in depression and anxiety—without a full-on trip.

But whatever its origins, it’s clear microdosing is becoming an increasingly valuable tool for folks who are interested in supporting their general health and wellness. And in today’s guide, we’ll share everything we know about microdosing, including how and why it can be beneficial, how to do it, and tips for making the most of your microdosing experience.

Why Microdose?

Beyond the demonstrated medical benefits—which we’ll explore in greater depth in just a moment—there are all kinds of reasons one might want to try microdosing. 

From supporting better mental health, accessing a sense of spiritual wellness, kick-starting creativity and fostering an improved mood and sense of wholeness—microdosing is a simple and low-impact practice that appears to hold the potential for a surprisingly wide range of downstream effects.

What Substances Can Be Microdosed?

Microdosing is most often associated with classic psychedelics, but that’s hardly the end of the story. From THC (the major intoxicating compound in cannabis), to psilocybin (the active compound in “magic mushrooms”), other magical and trippy botanicals, adaptogens such as reishi mushrooms, and nootropic compounds such as gingko biloba for cognitive function, there’s a wide range of compounds and medicines that are well-suited for microdosing.

The Potential Benefits of Microdosing

Let’s dig a little deeper on just what microdosing can do for us. As the practice has only recently emerged into the mainstream, there’s not a ton of clinical research on the practice. But what we know thus far suggests that microdosing benefits may extend far beyond the mild subjective effects they induce.

In the cannabis world, it’s already well understood that many people derive greater medical benefit from lower dosages of cannabinoids. But there is growing clinical evidence that microdosing THC can help address stubborn medical conditions such as chronic pain even better than high doses do. Similarly, a 2020 study found that a very small dose of 1 mg of THC provided significant pain relief while avoiding the chance of negative side-effects such as dry mouth, anxiety, or paranoia.

What about psychedelics such as psilocybin or LSD? A 2021 review on microdosing psilocybin and LSD suggested that the practice may support better mood, and it’s backed by a 2023 clinical trial in which participants named a number of health and wellness outcomes related to improving mood, creativity, energy, happiness, and mindfulness, for example. A review of current medical literature suggests that an LSD microdose is generally safe and can inspire acute behavioral and neural effects as well as improving mood and cognition.

In short? Microdosing appears to impart a number of benefits for everyday health and wellness—but it will take more research to fully illuminate them.

What Does Microdosing Feel Like?

Let’s turn now to the subjective effects of microdosing. In other words: What it feels like. Here’s an interesting paradox of microdosing—and one that contributes greatly to its popularity. If done right, you should feel little to no effects at all. 

Microdosing—whether cannabis, psychedelics, or some other substance—is often described as having a “subperceptual effect,” meaning that you may well forget that you took a microdose at all. The “sweet spot” for microdosing is the dose with which you derive the benefits you’re looking for without the high, so a true microdose shouldn’t feel intoxicating.

Is Microdosing Legal?

It depends on the substance you are microdosing! Hemp-derived THC is federally legal under the 2018 Farm Bill, though some states do not allow for intoxicating hemp compounds such as Delta-9, Delta-8, or HHC, for example. Check out the local laws where you live to know for sure.

But as we pointed out earlier, THC is far from the only substance that can be microdosed. Whether or not what you’re microdosing is legal also depends on the laws in the particular jurisdiction in which you reside. Several U.S. states and cities have decriminalized or legalized psilocybin mushrooms, for instance, as well as the psilocybe spores that produce them (as they don’t technically contain psilocybin).

And beyond the more traditional psychedelics, such as psilocybin or LSD, for example, there are other trippy (but legal!) botanicals that can be microdosed for many of the same benefits. 

Do Microdoses Show Up on a Drug Test?

At the moment, that’s somewhat of an open question. If we’re talking about cannabis, research suggests that even trace amounts of THC metabolites—the by-products created by cannabis consumption—can trigger a positive test result. And depending on the type of test performed—urine, blood, hair, or saliva, for instance—there are varying windows as to how long those metabolites are detectable.

If we’re talking about other substances such as psilocybin or LSD, most standard drug panels don’t test for them. However, if you’re asked to take a test that includes these substances in the panel—which are included in drug testing panels for some jobs and professions—it’s possible that even a microdose could trigger a positive result. 

How to Start Microdosing

If you’re ready to try microdosing, we suggest you start with a plan. In other words, many people derive greater benefit from sticking to a thoughtful routine and observing the long-term effects as opposed to taking a microdose whenever the mood strikes them. In just a moment, we’ll suggest a couple of microdosing schedules that may support you in this regard.

How Much Is a Microdose?

That also depends on the substance you are microdosing! In general, a microdose of cannabis is anywhere from 1 mg of THC—or even less—up to about 2.5 mg. After that, it’s rare that someone won’t feel the subjective effects. Tinctures are arguably the easiest to microdose, as their graduated droppers allow precise dosing (and taking the dose sublingually, or under the tongue, speeds absorption to roughly 15 - 45 minutes), though you can microdose with any THC product as long as you can control the dosages.

If you’re working with cannabis edibles, we recommend you start with the lowest portion size—typically 2.5mg THC—and keep in mind that most edibles take anywhere from 45 minutes to 2 hours to kick in. Of course, you could also take a very small hit from a vape, pipe, or pre-rolled joint, but keep in mind that it’s difficult to assess how much you’ve consumed with these methods.

When it comes to a psilocybin or LSD microdose, again there’s no “recommended dosage.” But peer-reviewed sources suggest roughly 200 mg of psilocybin or between 5 and 20 mcg of LSD for a “standard” microdose. 

Ultimately, the amount of a microdose (for any substance) will depend on you and your unique physiology and typically takes some trial and error to dial in precisely.

How Long Does a Microdose Last?

The duration of a microdose will depend on the substance and how our bodies process and metabolize that substance. Interestingly, even though a microdose is a fraction of a regular dose, the effects typically last just as long—between 2 to 8 hours for cannabis, depending on ingestion method, and 3 to 6 hours for psilocybin, for example. 

What’s a Good Microdosing Schedule?

Psychedelic research has produced several recommended microdosing schedules. Perhaps the best-known is the Fadiman Protocol, named for psychedelic researcher James Fadiman. He recommends one day “on” and two days “off.” This allows one day off to assess any carry-over effects from the experience, plus another day to clear the microdose from your system.

Another schedule was developed by the mycologist Paul Stamets, called the “Stamets Stack,” and is specific to psilocybin plus Lion’s Mane and Vitamin B3. The schedule is as follows:

  • Days 1-4: Microdosing days

  • Days 5-7: Transition days

  • Days 8-11: Microdosing days

  • Days 12-14: Transition days

The throughline between these schedules is cycling through active microdose days and active break days, so if you’re building a custom schedule for your personal needs, it’s best practice to include “off days” as part of the schedule.

4 Tips for Successful Microdosing

While any microdosing experience can be a success, we’ve found some simple actions can have impactful results. And after all, that’s what we’re looking for, right?

Tip 1: Set Clear Intentions 

Just as with a full-dose experience, many people who microdose find that going in with clear intentions—like finding an inner sense of calm, or increasing emotional regulation—can help set the tone. And when you know what you’re aiming for, the voyage becomes less uncertain.

Tip 2: Lean Into Titration 

Understand that it may take some trial and error to find your optimal dose—and practice patience with yourself until you do. Once you feel intoxicating effects, that may be a cue to reduce your dosage slightly.

Tip 3: Track Your Experiences

Hey, we all forget things from time to time. if you record your dosages and takeaways in a microdosing journal, it’ll be far easier to chart your progress and return to the insights your microdosing experiences imparted.

Tip 4: Listen To Your Body

Many of us tend to live in our heads, as the saying goes, but you’ll learn a lot listening to your body—especially when microdosing. If you feel uncomfortable or anxious, it could be a sign the dose is too high. Stay calm, track it in your journal, and titrate the dose down for your next session.

Explore the Benefits of Microdosing with Urb

Microdosing is the practice of taking minute quantities of a medication or other active substance—such as THC or psychedelics—so as to derive wellness benefits without a full-on intoxicating experience. And while most microdosers don’t even feel any subjective effects, a growing body of research—plus a large volume of anecdotal evidence—points to the benefits of microdosing.

If you’re curious about trying microdosing for yourself, start at Urb’s online shop, where you’ll find great deals on premium cannabis, mushroom, and other psychoactive products offered in a variety of strengths and formulations. And keep an eye on this space as we prepare to launch something truly innovative in the coming days: a new-school gummy that delivers magical effects with completely legal, trippy ingredients.

Want to find out when these trippy gummies drop? Sign up for our newsletter below and you'll be among the first to try our Trippin' Gummies when they launch.

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